Healthy body

Does sleep make you healthier?

Sleep is something we all do every single day of our lives. It’s one of the ways we keep on going, repair our bodies and maintain our health. Sleep is so vital that sleep deprivation has been used as torture and a method of interrogation. Why sleep is important, how it affects your health and how you can improve your sleep are all topics addressed in this article. So if you’re interested, please read on.

How screen time can thwart your child’s healthy development

What is appropriate screen time for infants, toddler and older children? Are the recommendations something to follow to a tee or merely guidelines offering some rough estimates? While there may be many reasons why you’re for or against screen time in children, you might want to know what science has to say about it. This article presents the studies on screen time in children and its impact on health.

The grim facts about grief and how to rediscover meaning

In 2020 more than ever we have been faced with grief and bereavement. People have lost their loved ones or have seen them suffer, they have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, their homes and more. Grief is a natural consequence of this. Still, what does science say about this process? How can your health be impacted by bereavement? This article will tell you what grief and bereavement are, how they can impact your health, but also what may help you find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Optimism or acknowledging optimism bias – which is better for your health?

Be optimistic, think positive and everything will be sorted out – this is what you’ll hear from many people. On the other hand, others will chime in that there’s an optimism bias that makes your brain see the positive side, not the actual facts. With so many opinions and options, how do you know what is better for you or your health? This article looks at the research behind optimism and optimism bias to tell you how they both impact your health and quality of life. Read on!

10 ways to successful New Year’s resolutions

Every year, we plan our New Year’s resolutions in the hopes of a better future. We want to lose weight, have more harmonious relationships, become healthier or happier. While we sit and ponder our goals for the new year, maybe there is a way to wish that is also effective. This article presents some of the ways that you can write and think of these goals in a way that you can actually attain them.

The secrets to better health through gratitude

What if we didn’t practise gratitude only on certain occasions such as Thanksgiving Day or during some once-a-year exercise? What if being grateful were a constant part of life? Gratitude is in fact not just a noble feeling but something that can have positive consequences on your health. This article fleshes out the research behind gratitude and its connection to health so keep reading to find out more.

Stop trying to be perfect, for health’s sake

You may have heard the expression “perfect is the enemy of good” or “done is better than perfect”. There’s truth in that. Although striving for perfection might seem like a quality you’d want to have, high levels of perfectionism can actually be detrimental to your life and to your health in particular. This article explains what pathological perfectionism is and how it can impact your health.

How binaural beats can improve your health right now

Maybe you’ve seen claims about the benefits of binaural beats or maybe you’ve never even heard of them before. Can they actually improve your health or are they based on wishful thinking? This article explains what binaural beats are, it looks at the science behind them and how you can use these sounds to improve your health and quality of life.